Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Liebster Award 2018

Both Ivie and Audrey tagged me for this on the same day almost a month ago (I know, I take forever to do tags!), and I am so looking forward to doing this! Thank you both for giving me the opportunity do participate in this! 

- Thank the person who nominated you. (I've said it once but I'll say it again - thank you Ivie and Audrey!) 
Answer the eleven questions they gave you.
- Name eleven facts about yourself. 
- Nominate eleven bloggers for this and let them know. (Aaaand . . . let's see how that goes.) 
- Give them eleven questions.

Favorite candy?
Chocolate. I'm not very picky about candy, but I will always accept something with chocolate in it. White, milk, dark - I don't really have a preference beyond that. It's all chocolate! 

Favorite book? 
Ivie, you evil, evil person. You mean I actually have to chose one book!? Inconceivable. Fine . . . I'll chose some favorites. Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. The Outsider by S.E. Hinton. The Memory of Light by Fransisco X. Stork. And The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall. 

Favorite author?
Iviieee. Whyyyy? All right, to be fair, I've probably asked this question more than I should have. So I suppose I'll say . . . J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, and Gail Carson Levine. They've all influenced my writing in different ways. 

Would you rather have to publish your first draft or publish your third draft?
Easy - third draft. I've already gone through the horror of publishing a first draft and once was more than enough. (That's a story for a later date, though.)

Favorite movie?
I actually don't watch a lot of movies (and am working on correcting that!) but I'd say that that Howl's Moving Castle (and other Studio Ghibli films) is one that I really like, off the top of my head. The Greatest Showman is also really great. ;) 

Favorite Gif?

How long have you been blogging?
Less than two months! I started in very late January and now it's mid-March - it's been a neat journey so far.

Do you like candles?
Yes, though I rarely ever get the chance to use them! A friend gave me a really neat scented candle that I keep by my desk to light during special occasions, and I love the smell it gives off. 

Rainy day or sunshine?
Bright sunshine and crisp wind. But if it's a muggy, hot sunny day, then I'll take the rain in a heartbeat.

How long have you been writing seriously?
I've been writing seriously (which I'll define as "with the goal to finish a long project") since I was nine or ten . . . has it really been seven years? Wow. 

Reading or writing? 
Both. Consuming and creating stories are two necessities of life. I don't think I could give up one or the other . . . even if you forbade me from writing or from reading, I'll get my stories through audio and would make them up in my head and record them or tell them to whoever would listen.

What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but never have?
Hmmm . . . I would love to go zip lining some day, or skydiving. I mean - that's as close as I'll ever get to flying, so . . . ;) 

Team Cap or Team Iron Man?
Confession: I watched my first Marvel movie a few weeks ago. (And I mean "watched" in the literal sense - I only heard about 15% of the movie because only a few of the people I watched it with were interested in hearing the movie. I need to go back and really watch it, considering I don't know any of the characters' names.)

But the movie was The First Avenger - so if I have to chose, I suppose Team Cap, considering I've never seen anything of Iron Man? 

What’s your favorite word?
And it may be corny, but I think it might be "yet." So much possibility and hope live in those three letters. Other words that I like because they're pretty or fun - "precocious," "iridescent," and "tintinnabulation." 

If it could only be one season for an entire year, which would you choose?
Spring. It has bright, crisp sunny days and cool rainy ones at the same time. The trees and plants aren't dead yet, but they're blooming and beautiful. And it's not scorching hot or freezing cold. 

Laptop or desktop?
Laptop. It's portable, and I can use it anywhere. (And, it's so sleek and fast.) But I do still use desktops when I need to. 

What’s your favorite joke?
I enjoy wordplay a lot, so the two that I can think of are puns. Highlight the text inside the parentheses to see the answers. What do you do with a dead chemist? (You Barium) And: What is Beethoven dong now? (Decomposing) 

What’s your favorite book of the Bible?
When I was younger, it was Ruth and Esther because those were the only ones where a girl was the "main character" of the story. Now, I like the poetry and wisdom in Psalms. 

What were your favorite novels in middle school?
Louisa May Alcott's works were some of my favorites (and still are). Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Angel in my Pocket by Ilene Cooper is another one - I haven't read it in a long time, but I remember reading it so many times. Caleb's Story and the other books in the Sarah Plain and Tall series. And Storybound and Story's End by Marrissa Burt.

If you could learn any language, what would it be?
It's hard for me to chose just one! I think I'd chose Japanese for a few different reasons. The main reason is because of my Japanese side of the family that I can't communicate with without a translator. And because the culture is amazing. 

Which do you like better: thunderstorms or blizzards?
I've never been in a blizzard (that I can remember), but I do like thunderstorms. Thunder's kind of comforting at times - unless it sounds like Zeus is trying to shatter the sky. 

What’s someplace you’ve always wanted to visit?

France. But I would love to go to London, or to Sweden! 

1. I can speak some French, and know bits and pieces of Esperanto, Spanish and Japanese. 

2. I consider myself a literature/language person, but at school I have the most fun in math classes and the least fun in English classes. 

3. I've donated my hair twice before. My hair is super thick, and I might donate it again soon. 

4. I love the smell of campfire smoke - it reminds me of camping with my family and thick woods. 

5.  I've done martial arts for almost four years now. 

6. I'm an introvert - I adore being with people, but when my "people battery" dies, I'm sitting at the sidelines, happily watching. 

7. I've sliced my thumb three times - the same thumb, the same way. Twice peeling apples for a pie, once with a peach for a cobbler. (I'm a menace in the kitchen. 

8. I've been to Japan a three times - and think it's one of the best places in the world. 

9. Playing chess is one thing that I really like to do but barely ever can. 

10.  I can't stand sweet tea - it's way too sweet for me. Because I live in the South, some people call me a traitor for not liking the "standard" beverage. ;) 

11. I've never been public schooled - I've been homeschooled my entire life. Now,  I guess I'm in a "school system" because I'm a dual credit student, but I still consider myself homeschooled. 

1. What's your favorite flower? 
2.  If you could be any character for a day, who would you chose? (And what would you do in that day?)  
3. Favorite part about blogging? 
4. Cats or dogs?
5. What song always puts you in a good mood? 
6. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
7. Favorite ice cream flavor?
8. What's your favorite quote? 
9. What is one achievement that you are really proud of but might seem weird to other people? 
10. What book would you always recommend? 
11.  Who is your biggest source of inspiration? 

In advance - if I tag a person who's already been tagged, I'm sorry! 

Lila @ Red-Hooded Writer
Savannah @ Scattered Scribblings 
Lisa @ Inkwell 
Brianna @ No End of Books
Faith @ The Writer's Song
Nicole @ Wild Pennings
Catherine @ Rebellious Muse
Sarah @ Introverted Extrovert
Julian @ Saver of Memories 
Hannah @ Inkblots and Coffee Stains 
Sarah @ Sarah Plain and Average 

Wow - that was long - if you made it to the end, I'm impressed! Tell me - what is your favorite word? Favorite joke? What song always puts you in a good mood?


  1. Favorite word!! That's a cruel question! I think I like the word stardust. XD SWEET TEA IS LIFE, THOUGH!!! I live in Texas, so I need sweet tea. I have more sweet tea inside me than blood. Sweet tea runs through my veins. XD Jk, but I love sweet tea. XD I love puns! I annoy my family with them a lot. XD Song that puts me in a good mood? Recently it's one foot by walk the moon. (it's my two characters, Raegan and Peter's song.)

    Also Whispers by Srvcina.

    Okay, awesome post! I love your answers!


    1. Oooh - stardust! That word has such a great feeling to it, and I can see why you chose it. XD Actually, I live in Texas, too! Everyone here drinks sweet tea, but I never did learn how to like it. I've never heard of either of those songs before, but I looked them both up and I was dancing in my chair to One Foot and my head's nodding to Whispers right now. I'm definitely adding them to my playlist! I love that One Foot is your characters' song - it has so much personality to it, and it makes me really want to "meet" Raegan and Peter!

  2. *gasp* I'm not the only who lives in the south and can't stand sweet tea!!! Yay, I'm not alone!!! It's just no.

    I loved reading your answers! I spotted a lot of similarities!

    1. *gasp* Another person who understands!! Yay!!! It's been a lonely struggle, but now there are others! ;) And thank you - I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!

  3. I'm not a fan of sweet tea either, but I /do/ have a sweet tooth, so I can usually drink it quite easily when I find myself with a glass of it. But I would never order it purposefully - I prefer my tea hot with milk and sugar. (And I'm not even British??)

    My favorite word is "oy." You can use it for just about anything...surprise, fear, anger, you name it!

    I feel ya about those chess games. I love playing with it, but I don't have the tactics to think super far ahead, and I don't have the patience when it lasts a long time!

    Thanks for the tag!! My post should be coming out in May (as I believe I have April prepped already...).

    1. Hot tea with milk and sugar? That sound good! Haha - you're not British, you're a writer who appreciates the poetical aspect of the beverage. ;)

      I never thought about how multi-purposeful "oy" can be! That is pretty remarkable, how it can mean so many different things. It reminds me of the Wingfeather Saga - have you read those books?

      Haha - patience is one reason I don't play so often, but when I can play a game, I do love it.

      You're very welcome - and I can't wait to see your post!

  4. Thanks for tagging me, True!! <3

    I used to love Esther and Ruth the best for that very reason tooooo. Now I think Isaiah is my favorite book of the Bible. xD

    Wow, I LOVE that "yet" is one of your favorite words, and the reason why. Just... YES.

    Great post! It was super interesting learning more about you!!

    1. You're very welcome! There's no pressure if you don't want to do it, but you have a lovely blog and certainly deserve this award!

      Nice to see someone else who liked Esther and Ruth because the girls played large roles! Isaiah is a great book as well, and I can see why it's your favorite now.

  5. Aw man, I've already done this tag! I'll have to pass this time....sowwy!

    Okay, you must tell us of the story of the first draft. I'm dying of curiosity.

    "Bright sunshine and crisp wind" -- I LIVE for those days!!

    As someone who is strapped to a desktop, I definitely agree with the laptop sentiment.

    Oh wow, you're family is part Japanese? That's so cool! (Though I've heard that Japanese can be hard to learn as a second language, my brother tried it in high school...)

    I love campfires too! Woodsmoke will always be one of my favorite scents.

    Heehee, the sweet tea. I'm from the North, but we go South fairly often for vacation and my brothers and Dad have to order half and half because the Southern sweet tea is too sweet for their tastes.

    Awesome post, True!! I greatly enjoyed it!


    1. Ah, I tried to double check and see if the people I tagged had already done it, but I guess I missed yours! Sorry about that! (But now that I hopped over to read your post, let me say that I loved it!)

      Haha - yeah, that first draft really affected me as a writer and me as a person. I'll probably do a post on it sometime, but I think I'll have to mentally prepare myself first. ;)

      Yup, I'm half Japanese! So I can understand a little bit of the language and can speak even less. Your brother is right - Japanese is a bit "harder" to learn, because it's so different from English and doesn't have so many similar words or grammar rules. But it's a beautiful language!

      Half in half in sweet tea! In the area that I live, sweet tea is always cold, so I never thought of that. But I suppose that would serve to curb the sweetness! Maybe I'll try that some day!

  6. THANK FOR THE TAG!! Loved reading your answers!!!

    1. You're so very welcome! I really look forward to your post, but no pressure to do it. ;)

  7. Thanks for the tag!! It's been quite a while since I've done this one, so I'm more than happy to do it now! :D

    Not many peeps know Gail Carson Levine, but I love her books! And of course Mr. Tolkien. :] :] :] Spring is a lovely season, for sure. It's a time of renewal. I'm not certain I could choose a year-round season... I love each of them in their own times, although Winter may come at the very last as I don't much care for COLD... I LOVE all the Marvels!!! Team Cap all the way! And I gotta say, to me, sweet tea is AMAZING. Nobody makes it like us Southerners. ;D How incredible it is you've been to Japan! I've always admired the culture there. And I so enjoy the Studio Ghibli films!! Howl's Moving Castle and Laputa: Castle in the Sky are two of my top favorites.

    Thanks again for tagging me, dearie! Blessings to you! :]

    1. You're welcome - I can't wait to see your post!

      Someone else who loves Gail Carson Levine's books! Do you have a favorite out of all of them? She was a huge influence for little me when I started writing, so her books are very special to me. Yeah, a year-round season was hard to chose because that would mean we don't have three of them! But winter was at the bottom of my list, too, just because it can be so dreary sometimes. Howl and Laputa are such amazing Ghibli films, and are some of my favorites, too! Have you read the book of Howl's moving castle?


What do you think? I love to hear your thought and opinions, so feel free to drop a comment. I only ask that you keep it appropriate - anything vulgar or harmful will be removed. I do my best to reply to every comment, so make sure to check back!